When did history begin? That is, what is the date of the first recorded and scientifically verified

When did history begin? That is, what is the date of the first recorded and scientifically verified event? Chris Brausch, Benneydale, New Zealand Vivienne Cox, London, UK J Owens, London


When did history begin? That is, what is the date of the first recorded and scientifically verified event?

Chris Brausch, Benneydale, New Zealand

  • History is WRITTEN history. Before that, everything is deemed to be prehistoric. According to scholars, I think, there are only about 5000 years of history.

    Vivienne Cox, London, UK

  • History - i.e. written history, before which there was only myth and folklore - along with the state and the family, are all corollaries of the invention of private property and less than ten thousand years old.

    J Owens, London

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