THE odds are you have never thought about it before, but there's a reason the stickers on fruit and veg have numbers on them.
As well as having a bar code the stickers boast a PLU code, or price lookup number, which tells you how the fruit was grown.
By checking the number, you'll find out if the product is genetically modified, organic or priced with chemical fertilisers, fungicides or herbicides.
The figures are the same everywhere. For example, all conventionally grown bananas have with the number 4011 no matter where you are.
These codes are administered by the International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS).
The IFPS has standardised the process and set aside a block of numbers specifically for the purpose of creating a common code among retailers.
Regardless of where the fruit is grown or sold it's always given the same number - so you can get a 4011 banana in Hull or a 4011 banana in Ecuador.
- Conventionally grown bananas #4011 - If you can only see four numbers in the PLU, then the product was grown conventionally or traditionally, and pesticides were used.
- Genetically Modified bananas #84011 - If there are five numbers, and the first is 8, then the product is genetically modified.
- Organically grown bananas #94011 - If the PLU code contains 5 numbers, and the first is 9, the product you are buying is organic
So if you decide to chomp on a banana for breakfast, you now know exactly what you're putting in your mouth - chemicals and all.
It's worth checking for the odd spider too, as more and more seem to be hiding them and terrorising UK fruit fans.