How old is LaMarr Woodley? When is LaMarr Woodley's birthday? Where is LaMarr Woodley born? Where did LaMarr Woodley grow up from? What's LaMarr Woodley's age?
LaMarr Woodley Born: November 3, 1984 (age 38years), Saginaw, Michigan, United States
Is LaMarr Woodley married? When did LaMarr Woodley get married? Who's LaMarr Woodley's married to? (Who's LaMarr Woodley's husband / wife)?
LaMarr Woodley Spouse: Jordan Vinson (m. 2012)
How about LaMarr Woodley's parents?
LaMarr Woodley Parents: Terry L. Woodley, Janice Staples
How about LaMarr Woodley's education?
LaMarr Woodley Education: Saginaw High School, University of Michigan
How tall is LaMarr Woodley in meters or centimeters?
LaMarr Woodley Height: 1.88m
How about LaMarr Woodley's number?
LaMarr Woodley Number: 58 (Las Vegas Raiders / Defensive end), MORE
How about LaMarr Woodley's position?
LaMarr Woodley Position: Linebacker, Defensive end, Outside linebacker
Is LaMarr Woodley in the Hall of Fame?
Harrison went undrafted in the 2002 NFL Draft, as teams feared he was too short (six feet) to play linebacker, and too light (240 pounds) to play on the defensive line. A few teams did send him training camp invites.
How long did LaMarr Woodley play in the NFL?
Harrison went undrafted in the 2002 NFL Draft, as teams feared he was too short (six feet) to play linebacker, and too light (240 pounds) to play on the defensive line. A few teams did send him training camp invites.
When did LaMarr Woodley retire?
Harrison went undrafted in the 2002 NFL Draft, as teams feared he was too short (six feet) to play linebacker, and too light (240 pounds) to play on the defensive line. A few teams did send him training camp invites.
How tall is James Harrison?
Harrison went undrafted in the 2002 NFL Draft, as teams feared he was too short (six feet) to play linebacker, and too light (240 pounds) to play on the defensive line. A few teams did send him training camp invites.