Fame | Lyndon Byers net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Lyndon Byers? When is Lyndon Byers's birthday? Where is Lyndon Byers born? Where did Lyndon Byers grow up from? What's Lyndon Byers's age? Lyndon Byers Born: February 29, 1964 (age 59years), Nipawin

How old is Lyndon Byers? When is Lyndon Byers's birthday? Where is Lyndon Byers born? Where did Lyndon Byers grow up from? What's Lyndon Byers's age?

Lyndon Byers Born: February 29, 1964 (age 59years), Nipawin

How about Lyndon Byers's nhl_draft?

Lyndon Byers Nhl_draft: 39th overall, 1982; Boston Bruins

How about Lyndon Byers's play_career?

Lyndon Byers Play_career: 19841995

Does Lyndon Byers have any children? What are the names of Lyndon Byers's children? What are the ages of Lyndon Byers's children?

Lyndon Byers Children: Taryn Byers

How tall is Lyndon Byers in meters or centimeters?

Lyndon Byers Height: 1.85m

What happened to Lyndon Byers?

Entertainment career. Shortly after his playing career, Byers returned to the Boston area and became a member of the Hill Man Morning Show on radio station WAAF-FM, where he was an on air personality and sports specialist for 23 years before the show ended.

What years did Lyndon Byers play with the Boston Bruins?

Regular Season
1988-89Boston Bruins218
1989-90Boston Bruins159
1990-91Boston Bruins82

Did Lyndon Byers win the Stanley Cup?

Lyndon Byers has never won a Stanley Cup as a player.

