Fame | Lynn Dickey net worth and salary income estimation Mar, 2024

How old is Lynn Dickey? When is Lynn Dickey's birthday? Where is Lynn Dickey born? Where did Lynn Dickey grow up from? What's Lynn Dickey's age? Lynn Dickey Born: October 19, 1949 (age 73years), Paola, Kansas, United States

How old is Lynn Dickey? When is Lynn Dickey's birthday? Where is Lynn Dickey born? Where did Lynn Dickey grow up from? What's Lynn Dickey's age?

Lynn Dickey Born: October 19, 1949 (age 73years), Paola, Kansas, United States

How about Lynn Dickey's pass_yard?

Lynn Dickey Pass_yard: 23,322

How about Lynn Dickey's passer_rate?

Lynn Dickey Passer_rate: 70.9

Does Lynn Dickey have any children? What are the names of Lynn Dickey's children? What are the ages of Lynn Dickey's children?

Lynn Dickey Children: Elizabeth Dickey, Meredith Dickey, Natalie Upp

How about Lynn Dickey's education?

Lynn Dickey Education: Kansas State University, Osawatomie High School

How about Lynn Dickey's career end?

Lynn Dickey Career end: 1985

How about Lynn Dickey's picked date?

Lynn Dickey Picked date: 1967 (Kansas State Wildcats football)

What happened to Lynn Dickey?

Personal life. After retiring from football, Dickey relocated to the greater Kansas City area where he opened a football-themed restaurant.

Is Lynn Dickey in the Hall of Fame?

Dickey is a member of the K-State Athletic Hall of Fame, the Packer Hall of Fame and his uniform number 11 was the first retired by Kansas State.

How old is Lynn Dickey?

Dickey was cut by the Packers on Sept. 1, 1986, and retired. Born Oct. 19, 1949.

When did Lynn Dickey retire?

Dickey was cut by the Packers on Sept. 1, 1986, and retired. Born Oct. 19, 1949.

