How old is Mary Meeker? When is Mary Meeker's birthday? Where is Mary Meeker born? Where did Mary Meeker grow up from? What's Mary Meeker's age?
Mary Meeker Born: 1959 (age 64years), Portland, IN
How about Mary Meeker's education?
Mary Meeker Education: Cornell University, DePauw University, Jay County Jr-Sr High School
What happened to Mary Meeker?
In September 2018, Meeker left Kleiner to start her own venture capital firm, Bond Capital (stylized BOND), which is headquartered in San Francisco. She raised $1.2 billion for her debut fund. In May 2019, BOND announced its first investment out of the fund, a $70 million round in online portfolio platform Canva.
Who is the founder of Bond Capital?
Mary Meeker - BOND | LinkedIn.
Who is the CEO of Bond Capital?
Mark Opzoomer - CEO @ Bond Capital - Crunchbase Person Profile.
How big is the bond capital fund?
We have invested in the Bond Capital Fund, a newly founded San Francisco-based growth fund boasting a size of around 125 billion US dollars and led by the ex-Kleiner Perkins team headed by Mary Meeker.