Fame | Phil Villapiano net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Phil Villapiano? When is Phil Villapiano's birthday? Where is Phil Villapiano born? Where did Phil Villapiano grow up from? What's Phil Villapiano's age? Phil Villapiano Born: 1949 (age 74years), Long Branch, NJ

How old is Phil Villapiano? When is Phil Villapiano's birthday? Where is Phil Villapiano born? Where did Phil Villapiano grow up from? What's Phil Villapiano's age?

Phil Villapiano Born: 1949 (age 74years), Long Branch, NJ

Is Phil Villapiano married? When did Phil Villapiano get married? Who's Phil Villapiano's married to? (Who's Phil Villapiano's husband / wife)?

Phil Villapiano Spouse: Susan Villapiano (m. ?2016)

How about Phil Villapiano's nickname?

Phil Villapiano Nickname: Foo, Mr. Commissioner, Phil

How about Phil Villapiano's education?

Phil Villapiano Education: Ocean Township High School, Asbury Park High School, Bowling Green State University

How tall is Phil Villapiano in meters or centimeters?

Phil Villapiano Height: 6 2

How big was Phil Villapiano?

Selected by the Raiders in the 2nd round of the 1971 NFL Draft, Villapiano played in 118 games with 117 starts. He recorded 11 interceptions for 160 yards and 1 TD and recovered 17 fumbles. He was a key member of several playoff teams including the Raiders Super Bowl XI championship team.

What team did Phil Villapiano play for?

Selected by the Raiders in the 2nd round of the 1971 NFL Draft, Villapiano played in 118 games with 117 starts. He recorded 11 interceptions for 160 yards and 1 TD and recovered 17 fumbles. He was a key member of several playoff teams including the Raiders Super Bowl XI championship team.

